What is Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)?
Free and Open Source Software, also known as FOSS, are computer programs and their source code are freely available to the public. This means anyone can use, modify, and distribute the software without needing permission from the original creator or paying any licensing fees.
Why use FOSS?
Code transparency on GitHub. Easy to analyze code to prevent malicious activity or data privacy concerns.
As modern technology becomes faster, efficient, and accessible, the battle for data privacy amongst consumers, big tech, and advertisement firms rises over data collection for targeted advertisements (ads) and further advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Closed source software
Since the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), implementation in modern computers, operating systems, and software, more conscientious consumers have been questioning how their data is being used or sold by tech companies.
Benefits of FOSS vs software as service (SASS) cloud subscription services
Main benefit of using FOSS is cost and expenses. Though subscription based software may contain more convenient features, open source projects are constantly evolving replicating or making features better than its counter parts.
Data privacy and freedom
Thanks to highly devoted developers that respect privacy. Freedomware, made by good people, for the people.
FOSS has been an ever growing community.
With the rising cost of goods in this world, creative digital tools or systems shouldn’t be burdensome on the wallet. Subscription base modeled software may not be easily accessible to everyone. FOSS makes creativity accessible & less expensive, yielding more time to create, worrying less about money and doing more of what you enjoy.
Will be keeping you updated with useful creative FOSS software tools in the future to help you create more quickly & efficiently.
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